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Fellow classmates this was indeed one of our nicest reunions. It was further enhanced by the fact the turnout was extremely high. I don't have any facts comparing years but if you look at the list of attendees on the events page you'll see what I mean. For those that are interested I would like to ramble on about my thoughts and experiences at the reunion. As classmates we were so lucky to have the variety of individuals we did and that everyone melded together so well. Some of those individuals went on to become well known outside of our small portion of Connecticut. Matter of fact I would like to comment on three such people not necessarily in any order of rank or suggested importance. Michael Auberjonois No... Mike isn't famous like his better known actor brother Rene, but we love him anyway. Mike came to our class during our sophomore year. From my conversation with him I learned he was treated much better at Regional than he was while attending school in England. You see Mike is of French heritage often referred to as a frog by the English. The school Mike formerly attended in England was composed of many royals who refused to have any contact with a frog. Is it possible this attitude goes back to the early days of the British empire when France and England were continually at war. Talk about prejudice, it didn't start here! Even though he talked a little funny Mike fit right in at Regional. Well, some of those future farmers talked funny too. He presently resides in Houston which he detests but feels he must stay there as his wife has a profession that keeps her there. Steve Blass Steve is probably the best known of our classmates. We were delighted when he announced he and Karen would be able to make the reunion. Unfortunately the very profession which has been so good to him usually prevented him from attending previous reunions. Shortly after having dinner Steve partnered with Alfred Arioli getting up in front of the gathering to relate old war stories about experiences at Regional. He mentioned walking the halls and how you were really cool if you were fortunate enough to capture a window position with a heater. He joked about fretting over the fact he thought Paul Prindle was going to beat him up for the first three years at school. And he went on to say during his senior year how he thought he was the only student who never had sex! Do you suppose he was lying about that, only Karen knows for sure. Did you ever think about what it might be like to be famous? Well George almost made it, he has rubbed elbows with many well known actors including one of my favorites John Wayne. Just in case any of our classmates didn't know, George has made a living as a movie stuntman for well over 30 years. There are some jobs I've envied, thinking it might be nice to be a doctor or perhaps an engineer of some type. But I never, never, wanted to be a stuntman. Good gosh those guys fall off horses for a living, that has to hurt! I could be wrong but it looks like George has had his nose broken a few times. Even so he has retained his rugged good looks and appears to be in reasonably good shape since "believe it or not" he continues to work as a stuntman despite the fact we're all pushing 60. God bless you George! Incidentally you can see George plying his trade if you take in his latest movie "The Perfect Storm". He told me you'll see him in the sailboat, haven't seen the movie yet can't make any comment. A word about privacy You will notice the address list requires a password, this is the only page on the site that doesn't have an open link. If for some reason you don't have the password or you can't get the key pad to operate please contact me immediately. Help us to help you... if you move or get a new phone number (those area codes are always changing) let us know, we want/need to keep the mail list current. Contacts
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