Welcome Classmates


Well it's over... but what a blast!
"we pulled it off, possibly our best yet"


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Richard and his future brideHVRHS Grad Loses Mind!

Dateline: Salisbury, CT

Richard Brown well known for his expertise in women's lingerie shocked the audience at a 40th class reunion when he invited the entire group to attend his wedding this coming fall. 

Rich's fiancé Jan was mortified when he offered to fly all his classmates to Texas to attend. When asked why Rich exclaimed "I like presents!" 

Carol MacRitchie BACKGROUND looks on in disbelief as Rich announced he hoped to get steeply discounted tickets from Priceline.com. We won't hold our breath Rich.

POSTED 7/29/00
additional photos to Pictures2

New try our classmates chatroom
click here to see if a classmate is waiting to chat  
Note: This is a test a new window will open so you can still browse while waiting for
a class member to join the group, no applet or java is used. Requires browsers 3 and up.
You may close the small annoying secondary window that opens at the same time!

OK the site has had lots of updates so check all the pages if you want to see what's new. Make sure you read this section for changes if the posted date differs from your last visit.  I apologize for those I missed getting a picture of darn it.  I'm finished adding photos that Carll took. Fortunately he did catch a few folks I  missed, like Virgina L, Kwai, E Kalmuk, and Len G. You'll find these added photos on the page labeled Pictures2.

Hope you like it!


Click here to see graduation photo 
For our sight challenged friends the car above is a '57 Chevy


Click photo to send mail to Rich... he knows how to read now and would be delighted to hear from you. Click photo to send mail to John... acting webmaster.

Did he really weigh 128lbs?

Email John or Rich for the password on the Address Page