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Don't miss new info, how to be notified when we change a web page

From: John Walters
Date: 26 Jul 2000
Time: 13:34:52
Remote Name:


As most of you may already know this web site is hosted free of charge, that's why we have to put up with that annoying banner ad that appears at the top of each page. I'm sure many viewers totally ignore this ad but in so doing you may have missed an opportunity you should know about.

Nearly every page has been changed on the site, wouldn't it be nice to be notified of same when that happens. If an address changes or some new information is posted would you like to know about it immediately? Well there is a way. Once you are on the site take a look at the Tripod banner at the very top of the page. Under the banner you will see some text that says would you like to be notified when this page changes? If that seems appealing to you, simply click on the text and fill in your email address.

Other things you need to know, you will have to perform the same routine on every page that you want to be informed about if it should change, consequently you may have to fill in your address 7 or 8 times to do that. Bear in mind Tripod isn't doing this because they want to be nice guys, although this is a wonderful part of their service. Their main reason is to get your email address. That brings up my next suggestion, you should have a junk email address for just such an occasion. If you haven't done so already consider setting up a browser based email address from a company such as Yahoo. That will help keep your regular email address from getting bombed with lots of stuff you don't want. If anybody needs help with this drop me a note. Or if you have any questions regarding anything I've discussed here give me holler.

Last changed: August 12, 2000